Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Releasing 20 New discoveries in Physics, out of 80 in super unified theory

Super unified theory is single particle based explanation for all particles and forces of nature.

Releasing 20 New Discoveries of Physics out of 80 in super unified theory



Friday, 26 August 2016

"Black hole paradox"

There is so much discussion about blackhole, if you read through my book you'll get idea how black holes are formed by process called divergent fusion and what their real structure is. Why singularity is a myth. Worm hole is absolutely non existent that every astrophysicist know, it's just a glitch to keep audience involved since we have nothing to say.
The truth of black hole gravity lies in its structure. Singularity is a fictitious  concept and Wormhole is a bigger myth.
Sorry for comments but just can't stop!!!
Because back hole doesn't contain neither singularity nor wormhole.
Super unified theory defines how black hole structure got incorporated in the core of large stellar bodies. And what take part in its structure and how it's peculiar structure creates massive gravity.
Abhijit Thakur

Big bang nucleosynthesis is BIG myth

Cosmic cycle has its existence for 40 to 50 billion years before Big bang. This time was utilised in many processes, which includes formation of particles of nature and even formation of galaxies.
Everything was present before big bang.
Big bang nucleosynthesis is a pure fiction nothing more than a big myth.
Matter flow waves of universe are analogous to CMB and CNB, and are important mechanism of creation of an event called Big Bang.
Observation perspective of a body in space indicate that once it has visualised an event, it is not going to see it again but same event will be seen in future by a distant body in universe.
Twisting of space and time achieved by relativity is not true for Nature. Nature is so simple and straightforward.
Everything is real in this universe and there is no space for virtuality like relativity.
Everything can be explained by simple principles of classic physics.
Also not that our earth also has observational perspective. It can't observe the cosmic cycle which has passed before big bang, which ranges to 40 to 50 billion years. Know how our universe was before big bang and all other answers

Thursday, 25 August 2016

What peer reviewed journals couldn't do?

Super Unified Theory

In fact what peer reviewed journals could not do for century has been done outside it. Research could not be bound by limits.
Formation of photon and it's structure to formation and functioning of galaxies, stars and black hole,  like this (70) seventy discoveries are incorporated in the book " super unified theory"
I would be glad to send complimentary section  once I release  pictorial summary of super unified theory. It will use only 5 minutes of reading time.  Find it yourselves, isn't it my statement is correct!

Dr Abhijit Thakur
Super Unified Theory

Finally a single theory, "Super Unified theory" by Abhijit Thakur, which can explain everything, from classical physics to relativity, from standard model to God particle, from gravitation to nuclear force, from magnetism to electric fields, from electromagnetic radiation to thermodynamics of universe, from cosmic cycle to intricacies of galactic activities, from structure of universe to structure of elementary particle.
"Super unified theory" has answers for everything debated along the centuries in field of physics, astronomy, particle physics and universe.

Paperback is out

Finally real images of Photon, Electron, Positron, Neutrino, Proton and Neutron are released with complete functionality

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Gravity Puzzle

Gravity waves are superluminal. And they are going to reach us before we see the event. You can read about origin and application of Gravity in my  book, it's shocking but true,
1. Gravity waves are superluminal
2. Each particle carries it's gravitational field 40 to 50 billion years ago Big Bang
3. Present phase of cosmic cycle has gravity waves only arising from black hole formation or black hole engulfing matter body

Dark Matter Dark Energy

Energy And Mass Of Universe Is Constant But Understand That There Are Two Forms Of Mass And Energies In Universe. One form is completely counterbalanced with effective energy and mass Zero and other is non balanced energy and mass. Both forms are inter-convertible. There Is Enormous Energy Stored As Counter Balanced Energy. In present phase of cosmic cycle non balanced energy is converted into counter balanced energy and process is effectuated in black holes.  Heat and illumination is going to drop in universe as universe will age. All these concepts are very much real and described in detail in
Get insight into energy, mass, heat and illumination cycle of universe and definition of cosmic cycle

Unification of All particles and all forces of Nature

Finally a single theory, "Super Unified theory" by Abhijit Thakur, (book link: https://goo.gl/J40wpe),
which can explain everything, from classical physics to relativity, from standard model to God particle, from gravitation to nuclear force, from magnetism to electric fields, from electromagnetic radiation to thermodynamics of universe, from cosmic cycle to intricacies of galactic activities, from structure of universe to structure of elementary particle.
"Super unified theory" has answers for everything debated along the centuries in field of physics, astronomy, particle physics and universe. Do you want to know?
What is the structure of photon and their process Genesis?
What is the structure of electromagnetic radiation and how are they produced in Universe?
What is the structure electron and location of site of their electric activity on its body?
How particle to wave transformation occurs in Universe?
What is the structure of positron, neutrino, proton, and neutron?
What are the representatives of magnetic field and electric field lines in at the level of structure of individual particle?
Do we have a nuclear configuration representing electron configuration in nucleus?
How was Universe before Big Bang?
What is the structure of Universe and reason for its expansion?
What is the definition of cosmic cycle?
What is the origin of all forces and how gravity is applied?
Then you have got it all. Unbelievable but true, everything is decoded in most simplistic manner
Abhijit Thakur